4-7 Dec 2017 Aussois (France) (France)


GDR 2426 Quantum Mesoscopic Physics

Centre Paul Langevin du CNRS à Aussois.

from Monday Dec. 4th (noon) to Thursday Dec. 7th (noon)


We are pleased to announce the 2017 plenary session of the quantum mesoscopic physics GdR

Some highlights of this session:

Topological superconductivity

Benjamin HEINRICH - Freie Univ, Berlin

Lauriane CONTAMIN - LPA, Paris

Andreev bound states

Landry BRETHEAU - Polytechnique, Palaiseau

Topological matter and spin-orbit coupling

Adolfo GRUSHIN - Néel, Grenoble

Jean-Noel FUCHS - Jussieu, Paris

Taro WAKAMURA - LPS, Orsay

Special session : quantum computer (recent advances and perspectives)

Benjamin HUARD - ENS, Lyon

Tristan MEUNIER - Néel, Grenoble

Xavier WAINTAL - CEA-INAC, Grenoble

Solid-state quantum information

Alessandro CRIPPA - INAC, Grenoble

Thermal transport and thermodynamics at the nanoscale

Jukka PEKOLA - Aalto, Helsinki

Artificial systems

Remi DEBUQUOIS - ETH, Zurich

Marijana MILICEVIC - C2N, Marcoussis

Julien GABELLI - LPS, Orsay

Special session : Tribute to Frank Hekking and Jean-Louis Pichard


The GDR annual meeting is open to all researcher interested in mesoscopic physics.
Participation of young researchers is highly welcome. Don't hesitate to submit your contribution, regardless of its field.

deadline for registration friday oct. 27th (extended 3rd NOVEMBER)
deadline for abstract submission extended to oct. 16 th





The number of participants is limited to 100.
the GDR can support funding for the accomodation of about 50 people, in priority young researcher with limited resources.

Full board accomodation  = 260,09  euros TTC in shared room (2 people) 

                                          = 292.20 euros in single room

If you cannot fund your accomodation on your own grants, register as soon as possible to maximize your chances of funding by GDR.

Your travel expenses are not covered by the GDR, with some exceptions.


Crucial Information

How to register

1) Create a sciencesconf  account  (if you don't have one)

2) register here

Important dates

GDR session: december 4th - 7th

Registration until oct. 27th, 2017
Abstracts until oct. 16th, 2017 (NEW DEADLINE)

Program here

  Location: Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois

Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois

Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois


Organizers : Jérôme Cayssol (LOMA), Nicolas Roch (I. Néel)

Secrétariat : Marie-France Mariotto (LPS)

Direction : Bernard Plaçais (LPA), Mark Goerbig (LPS)


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